MLS# 279857 The overall SF for the building is 5754 SF. With occupancy of 195 peoplefor the tap house, patio area and wine tasting room. Equipment utilized inthe service bar includes a 12 head beer tap tower ,freezer, refrigerator, icemaker, glass washer, glass racks, wine kegerator, pizza oven, hot dog roller,stand up beverage cooler. Inside the Brewhouse which included gas lines,water line, electric conduits and waste discharge disposal with grease trap.These are in place going from the Taphouse thru to the wine tasting roomto also be able to add a kitchen at a later date. There are three overheaddoors in the tap house. The wine tasting room is 25â€X20. Two bathroomsare available that are used by both the tap room and wine tasting room.Within that space is a large walk-in cooler 23â€X13†used for beer and winekeg storage along with food storage. Sale incudes all FF&E; call LA formore details and showing instructions.